Baby Dedication

Sunday, July 28 - 10:30am | We invite parents and guardians to participate in our upcoming Baby Dedication Service on July 28. Baby Dedication is a special time where parents publicly commit to raising their children according to biblical principles and teachings. This dedication service is a meaningful opportunity for parents to present their child to God, acknowledging their dependence on Him and seeking His blessing in the upbringing of their child.

What is Baby Dedication?
Baby Dedication is not the same as baptism, as it does not signify salvation or cleansing from sin. Instead, it is a parent's commitment to raise their child in a way that honors God, supported by the church community.

Why Should I Participate?
1. Spiritual Foundation: Dedicate your child to God and establish a spiritual foundation early in their life.
2. Community Support: Receive the support and prayers of the church community as you raise your child.
3. Public Declaration: Make a public declaration of your commitment to nurture your child in the ways of Jesus Christ.

How to Participate:
If you would like to dedicate your child during this service, please fill out the form. We look forward to celebrating this special moment with you and your family.


Sunday, July 28 - 10:30am
We invite parents and guardians to participate in our upcoming Baby Dedication Service on July 28. Baby Dedication is a special time where parents publicly commit to raising their children according to biblical principles and teachings. This dedication service is a meaningful opportunity for parents to present their child to God, acknowledging their dependence on Him and seeking His blessing in the upbringing of their child.

What is Baby Dedication?
Baby Dedication is not the same as baptism, as it does not signify salvation or cleansing from sin. Instead, it is a parent's commitment to raise their child in a way that honors God, supported by the church community.

Why Should I Participate?
1. Spiritual Foundation: Dedicate your child to God and establish a spiritual foundation early in their life.
2. Community Support: Receive the support and prayers of the church community as you raise your child.
3. Public Declaration: Make a public declaration of your commitment to nurture your child in the ways of Jesus Christ.

How to Participate:
If you would like to dedicate your child during this service, please fill out the form. We look forward to celebrating this special moment with you and your family.